FaxPress WebHelp: Admin Guide > Administrator Utilities > Inbound Production Faxing-FaxPress DropFax Utility

Inbound Production Faxing: The FaxPress DropFax Utility

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The FaxPress DropFax utility creates an easily accessible directory for inbound faxes, allowing third-party applications to retrieve the faxes stored there. Inbound faxes automatically stored in the drop directory can be configured to appear in TIFF, DCX or PDF file format, making the DropFax drop directory ideal for use with document management systems and workflow applications. After the DropFax utility is activated from the Administration Tools folder, a DropFax icon will appear on your toolbar. The file naming convention for fax jobs dropped into the DropFax directory is FaxPress server serial number-job ID.

For outbound production faxing, see Developing Custom Software.

To activate the DropFax utility and create a DropFax directory for inbound faxes on a specific FaxPress server, follow these steps:

1. Go to Start>Programs>FaxPress>Administration Tools>DropFax.
2. The DropFax icon will now appear on your toolbar. Right-click on the DropFax icon and select Config.
3. In the Configuration window, with the Server tab selected, select a FaxPress server for the DropFax directory, then click Add. If required, enter the FaxPress supervisor User name and password in the Verify window, if it appears.

To create a trace file for the DropFax directory, select the Enable Trace option, and specify a maximum Trace file size.

The DropFax trace log file is located in the Program Files/Castelle/FaxPress/Administration Tools directory.

Select TIF, PDF or DCX in the Fax Format field.

Select the Delete fax after dropping option to have the DropFax utility delete faxes from the directory after processing.

4. Select the Directories tab to confirm the selected FaxPress Server is correct.

The Line section of the Directories tab allows inbound fax lines to be mapped to destination directories. This means all faxes received on the specified fax line will be sent to the associated directory.

The User section of the Directories tab allows FaxPress users to be mapped to a destination directory. This means all faxes received by the user will be sent to the associated directory.

Before configuring the Line section of the Directories tab, make sure you’ve configured the Line Settings. For each line to go to its destination directory, the Line Settings configuration must be modified. For the DropFax Line and Directory mapping to work, each line will need to be assigned to a specific user, rather than to the default Unaddressed mailbox.

To associate an inbound fax line with a specific destination directory, click Add, select the Line, and specify the Directory.

To associate a FaxPress user with a specific destination directory, click Add, then specify a User and Directory.

Use the Edit and Remove buttons to edit or remove entries.


FaxPress WebHelp
Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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